May 17, 2024

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I would like to thank and applaud Representative Amore for this proposal. It is my understanding that Office Doug Borden currently covers at least two (2) of the largest schools in East Providence *MMS and EPHS). possibly more? Everyone I know has enormous respect for Officer Doug and feel he does an outstanding job, but he is only one (1) officer - for how many schools? how many students?

After a previous school shooting, "Buzzers" were installed in each school. It is no secret to the students or anyone who has physically gone to these schools, that anyone can get "buzzed in" or simply walk in with other students. This system also needs to be re-visited.

Tomorrow our children have to return to school . They are afraid, they do not feel safe and sadly, I don't feel safe sending them. It is difficult to help make them feel safe when we also don't believe they are.

As parents and residents of our City, we all need to do whatever we possibly can to make our schools safer. I urge everyone to support this bill in additional to revisiting our entire security protocol at each school.

We need to be proactive not just reactive.

Thank You.

From: State Rep. Gregg Amore Introduces School Security Bill

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