May 19, 2024

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We have a problem and need a permanent solution.

We shouldn’t be scheduling a district-wide meeting or passing another override as both are symptomatic solutions and do not address the underlying cause. The issue we have is the formula the State utilizes to calculate our local minimum contribution to the regional school district. This is precisely why Rehoboth is assessed an additional cost of $2,913 more per student. The total additional cost based on the School Committee request is $2,046,660 additional for Rehoboth tax payers for FY2020 alone! This additional cost is not sustainable.

Let’s all stay focused on the disparity and the cause thereof and find a permanent solution. Rehoboth will pay $1,487,863 more than an equitable amount even without passing another override. We passed an override over Two Million Dollars just last year. Let’s NOT pass another one. Let’s work with the funding we have without further burdening Rehoboth tax payers. There are many residents with limited income that cannot afford this continuing disparity. We have been through this for six years now. It is time to fix it.

From: An open letter to all Rehoboth Citizens,

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