September 20, 2024

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Dear Citizens and Neighbors in Rehoboth,

Today I encountered another obnoxious driver while walking my dog. I follow the rules of the road. My dog and I are not threatening looking in any way. While walking on Pond Street, I looked left and right, before crossing to the other side of the street. A gentleman in a bright blue pickup truck came from Wilmarth and apparently is not familiar with the idea of yielding when approaching the end of a street. He swept around without stopping to the right onto Pond, and blew his horn several times as I was almost to the other side of the street. Yes, charming gentleman and citizen, I heard you. I am a 52 year old woman who has recently had abdominal surgery, I was almost to the other side of the road and almost at Summer when I crossed, and you were nowhere in sight when I looked. I slowed my walk as I looked at him drive by - perhaps he knew me, or had fallen on his steering wheel by accident? He gestured, not obscenely, but as if he was in the right. Excuse me, but your big truck is a formidable weapon, and you do not own the road. I followed the rules. Why don't you acquaint yourself with them and learn some civil manners while you're at it.

I thought of reporting his license plate to the police, but thought they have better things to do. But I must say, I am tired of the obnoxious drivers in Rehoboth.

From: May 2013 Rehoboth Reporter

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