Hornbine School News
Wanted: Any Pictures of Closed Rehoboth Schools
Bring any pictures you have of closed Rehoboth schools to the Hornbine School Museum Sunday, August 11th between 2 – 4 pm. We will scan them and add the pictures to our files. Look on our Facebook Page at “Hornbine School Museum” for complete scans of the autograph booklet and for current information about us and our activities. We will be open every 2nd and 4th Sunday in August and September.
Our recent visitors learned how to cut quill ink pens. There are two videos of the presenter, Gilbert Bagley, on You Tube. One is entitled “HOW TO CUT A QUILL PEN DEMONSTRATION” and the other is “QUILL INK PEN TALK”. Both can be found at the “David Downs” Channel or go to our Facebook page for the links.
This season, young Hornbine visitors have had fun taking part in our scavenger hunts; writing with “Slate Pencils”; writing with Quill Ink Pens; playing “Old Fashioned” Games and exploring our Genuine Outhouse!
Adults have enjoyed looking at our new displays and learning about some of Rehoboth’s history. We have two binders full of information about the Rehoboth one-room schoolhouses that existed in the past. We are located at 144 Hornbine Road in Rehoboth.
Visit our table at the REHOBOTH “HISTORY THROUGH THE AGES” TIME LINE EVENT ON REDWAY PLAIN on Saturday and Sunday, September 7th & 8th. There will be over 20 organizations participating.
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