September 20, 2024

Latin is alive at Dighton-Rehoboth!


There have been some exciting developments in the Latin classes at Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School this year. Among the highlights are the National Latin Exam awards, an authentic Roman banquet, a field trip to New York City, a study of art from the Aeneid, a comparison of myth and film, and an exploration of the impact of Latin language and ancient Roman culture on our government, the English language, and modern society.

Notably, ten students received awards after taking the National Latin Exam, which is administered to over 100,000 students worldwide each year. The following DR students were recognized:
• Cum Laude: Nathaniel Wheeler, Isabelle Williamson
• Magna Cum Laude: Benjamin Darling, Jane Kostka, Emma Bonin, Julia McDonough, Hayden Bessette
• Silver Medal Maxima Cum Laude: Maryeileen Kelleher, Kate Lewandowski
• Gold Maxima Cum Laude: Hannah Carvalho

It's worth noting that Hayden, Kate, and Nathaniel are among the top five students in their graduating class this year.

One of the most enjoyable aspects of Latin class is the study of mythology and how films like Disney's Hercules and Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief have either remained faithful to the original stories or adapted them for modern audiences. Maryeileen Kelleher said, "Watching the movies was great, but it was also fascinating to learn about how the myths have evolved over time into the stories we know today."

Like many other world language classes, the Latin students learned about ancient Roman holidays. One particularly interesting example is Saturnalia, which was later adapted by early Christians into Christmas. The ancient Romans celebrated Saturnalia by exchanging gifts, lighting candles, gambling, and even allowing slaves to swap places with their masters and enjoy a night off. As in previous years, the Latin I class held a Roman banquet or Cena, where students dined al fresco on a variety of foods, including meats, cheeses, veggies, olives, cheese cake, and fruits.

Latin students from grades 9-12, including those in Latin I, II, III, and Advanced Placement, visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Museum of Modern Art in New York City on March 31. In addition to touring the Greek and Roman galleries, the students also had the opportunity to find mythological subjects in other parts of the museum and in modern works at the Museum of Modern Art. The Advanced Placement class even had the chance to analyze works of art based on the Aeneid and present their findings to the class. River DeCoste remarked, "We got to choose our favorite paintings from the story and research them further. It was really interesting to incorporate art history into our studies."

To help cover the cost of the field trip, Mrs. Loell secured grants from the Dighton and Rehoboth Cultural Councils.

All in all, Latin has had an excellent year, or as they say, an "annus optimus".


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