May 3, 2024

Newman Congregational Church, UCC Invites the Community to “Nourish”

A Dinner Church Ministry of Newman UCC Dinner and Worship thoughtfully prepared and shared.


Each month, participants are invited to join in the sourcing of ingredients, creating of the meal and setting of the sacred space. This month, we will gather on Tuesday, September 4. And… everyone can join in; children and adults, those with cooking experience and those without. There are no barriers to participating in this ministry!

Each time we gather for Nourish we will not only share in the meal, we will discuss a passage from scripture, celebrate communion and be attentive to how the Spirit is moving in our midst. We will occasionally discuss our food choices and where we get them. What is available locally, in our gardens or at local markets? How do our choices impact our planet? And much, much more!

If you are interested in joining us we gather at 5:00 pm to begin preparing the meal and setting the space. We try to sit down for the meal around 6:00 pm. Discussion begins at 6:30 pm with a hard stop at 7:30 pm to begin our shared clean-up and to celebrate communion. Participants are welcome to stay for the entire event or a portion of it.

You may RSVP by visiting our website:

Newman UCC is an Open and Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ and ex-tends this invitation to one and all, living out the example of Jesus’ extravagant welcome.

Newman Congregational Church, United Church of Christ is located at 100 Newman Avenue, Rumford, RI 02916
For more information, contact Rev. Timoth Sylvia at 401-434-4742.


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