Fifty Years of Proclaiming the Gospel!
On Sunday, June 16, the members and friends of Rehoboth Baptist Church gathered in worship to celebrate the church's Jubilee anniversary. Current pastor, Rev. Stephen Kitchen of Rehoboth, led the service with participation from his predecessor, Rev. Ronald Bridge, also of Rehoboth, and the church's founding pastor, Rev. Dr. Randolph MacFarland of Denver, Colorado. Following the service attendees enjoyed an excellent buffet lunch at Crestwood Country Club.
The church was established in June 1974 by Pastor MacFarland and two Rehoboth couples, Robert and Susan Munroe and the late Robert and Doris Rees. The church was sponsored by Barrington Baptist Church and the Conservative Baptist Association of America. Initial services were held at Johnson's Barn with the young congregation responsible for setting up and breaking down the necessary seating for each service. As attendance increased, church services moved to Beckwith Middle School and eventually to an extension to the recently constructed parsonage on Rt. 118. A new church facility with a seating capacity of two hundred was constructed and dedicated in 1983. In recent years, the facility has been extensively renovated with the addition of central AC, improved handicapped accessibility (inc. elevator) and a redesigned main entrance. However, while an attractive and efficient facility is appreciated by the congregation and is a major improvement from humble beginnings in a barn, it is only as a means to fulfilling the primary purpose of the church.
The purpose of Rehoboth Baptist Church has remained unchanged since its founding, which is the faithful proclamation of the Gospel, the good news that Jesus Christ is the savior of the world. The Bible teaches that all people, without exception, have sinned by breaking God's law (Roman 3:1012, 23), and that God will hold each person accountable for the things they have done in this life (Romans 6:23; 14:9-12) – that is bad news! But, there is good news because Jesus Christ voluntarily paid the price of our sins on the cross. He suffered for our sins, he died and was buried. But on the third day he rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). What must we do in response? Confess our sins to God, seek His forgiveness and believe in what Jesus has done for all those who will put their trust in him. If this is done with a sincere heart we are forgiven, saved from judgment and granted eternal life. That is the truth of the gospel and the telling of that truth is the purpose of Rehoboth Baptist Church and Lord willing, it will continue to be so for another fifty years.
The members of Rehoboth Baptist Church cordially invite you to attend one of our worship services. If you do come, you will find people who are far from perfect but who, by God's grace, are growing in their relationship with God and each other. Come, worship with us, sing with us, read and hear the word of God with us. The church is located on Rt. 118, two miles south of Rt. 44. Tel: 508 252 6437;