June 1, 2024

Seekonk Honors Veterans


A ceremony was held on Veterans Day to honor the men and women who have served their country in the armed forces.

“We give thanks to all veterans who served their country honorably during war or peacetime, thank you for your service,” said Veterans Service Officer James LaFlame.

William Soule, a World War 2 veteran who recently turned 100 years old, was recognized for his service with a Governor’s Proclamation read by State Rep. Steven Howitt, R-Seekonk.

Soule was part of the invasion of Normandy and fought in the Battle of the Bulge. He served as Grand Marshal of the “rolling parade” which preceded the ceremony at the Veterans Memorial Park on Newman Avenue.

Town resident Margie Rieske read a poem she wrote in Soule’s honor, titled “The Old Veteran.”

Reverend John Amaral delivered the Invocation.

The 215th Army Band performed the National Anthem.


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