September 20, 2024

Seekonk Lions Continue to Support the Doorways Food Pantry


The Seekonk Lions Club has been a positive presence in Seekonk for sixty-six years. The Lions are part of the world’s largest service organization; they are a society of public-spirited people looking for opportunities to serve their community. The Lions have a simple rule: 100% of all funds raised from public fundraising events are returned to the public in the form of grants, donations and scholarships. The Lions have been annual donors to the Doorways Food Pantry for over two decades, and this year the Lions doubled their previous contribution with a $2,000.00 donation to help our neighbors cope with the rising cost of weekly groceries. The Lions are looking for new members, people willing to volunteer to make a difference in our town. To learn more about the Lions, please visit their website at:

In November, Doorways will begin its 23rd year in operation. In that first week, seven families were served; today, Doorways serves ten times that number on a regular basis. Over the years, over seven hundred families have received necessary support, and close to two million pounds of food has been distributed – all at no cost to our clients, and all made possible by the generosity of the people of Seekonk. Our gratitude is boundless - we are humbled by your support, awed by your generosity, and hopeful for the future. We give thanks for all you do, and ask the Lord’s blessing on you and your families this holiday season and in the coming year.


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