May 16, 2024

Sons of the American Legion & Support for The Food Pantry


The American Legion Post 302 is as a patriotic Veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness throughout the Rehoboth community. The American Legion itself is the nation’s largest wartime Veterans service organization and is committed to mentoring youths, sponsorship of wholesome programs and supporting our communities like the Rehoboth Food Pantry. For years the American Legion Post 302 and the Sons of the American Legion have generously given contributions to the Rehoboth Food Pantry.

The Sons of The American Legion is pairs with American Legion Post 302; The Sons charter is contingent upon its parent post’s charter. However, squadrons can determine the extent of their services to the community, state, and nation. They are permitted flexibility in planning programs and activities such as their “Monthly Meat Raffle” at 84 Bay State Road to meet their needs but must remember SAL’s mission: to strengthen the four pillars of The American Legion. Therefore, the Sons’ campaigns place an emphasis on preserving American traditions and values, improving the quality of life for our nation’s children, caring for Veterans and their families, and teaching the fundamentals of good citizenship.
So please, come on into the American Legion and BE OUR GUEST.


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