January 22, 2025

Newman Congregational Church, UCC Invites You to Join Us for Lent


On Wednesday, February 14 we will commemorate Ash Wednesday with drive-thru ashes in the parking lot of the church from 6:30am - 9am and 4:30-6:30pm.

This Lenten Season, assisted by resources from the Salt Project, Newman UCC will be offering programming and worship experiences inspired by the art of Henri Matisse. Through daily devotionals, weekly worship, and companionship ministries (Lenten Listeners and Spiritual Autobiography Writing) it is our hope that during this Lenten Season you will take a journey into the wild and head into the beautiful and colorful Easter Morning!

Our Lenten Listener program, an opportunity to travel through lent with a partner, will also kick off on Ash Wednesday. To sign up for a Lenten Listener Partner or for the Spiritual Autobiography Class, kindly email Christy Wynveen at newmanucc.ce@gmail.com 

Newman UCC is an Open and Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ and extends this invitation to one and all, living out the example of Jesus’ extravagant welcome, located at 100 Newman Avenue, Rumford, RI 02916. For more information, contact the Church Office at newmanucc1643@gmail.com 


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