September 20, 2024

News from the Town Nurse - Happy May to you all!


April was a busy month for the Public Health Nurses’ office. We are beginning a series of informational meeting to coincide with the Wednesday Luncheons. The presentations will be scheduled for 11am, so that we are not interrupting the luncheon itself. Our goal is to begin the series on May 17th, with topic to follow. The topic will be decided by surveying our seniors at the luncheons on Mondays and Wednesdays (which start at 11am). The presentation should not be more than 30 minutes. Thus far we are offering the following:
o What is dementia? and support for families caring for a loved one with dementia.
o Nutrition, diet and exercise
o “Aging in place”
o Fall prevention
o Planning Advanced Care Directives
o Prevention of Elder exploitation and elder abuse
o How to use your phone or other electronic devices
o Stress management
o Signs and symptoms and managements of diabetes, lung and heart disease, stroke and other chronic and mental health diseases.

As time goes on, we will add other topics suggested by our seniors. (Dr. Christine Herald is planning to do a presentation on her ophthalmology service, hopefully in mid-June) If you cannot come to the luncheons and want to make suggestion for other topics of interest, please call 508-962-4558 or e-mail 

As a reminder, if you want to come to the luncheons, but do not have transportation, please call me at the number above, and we will get you sorted!

I’m delighted to inform you that with the help of Ralph Arguin and Linna Sherman (Director of the COA), Rehoboth has been chosen, along with 2 other towns, to be the lead Step-Off for the Walk MA Challenge. The challenge begins on May 3rd. We will meet at 10am at the Rehoboth Senior Center here at Francis Farm (27 Francis Farm Rd.) The Step-Off will begin with a presentation by Tara Hammes, from the Ma. COA, with more information on the challenge. One lucky person, who is present at the Step-Off on May 3rd, will win a fitbit!

An infectious disease update: We receive a notification from the CDC/Health Alert network (HAN), that there is an increase in the incidence of Shigellous: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been monitoring an increase in extensively drug-resistant (XDR) Shigella infections (shigellosis) reported through national surveillance systems. This means that this strain of Shigella is resisted to the usual treatment methods used in the past. The CDC further explains that: Shigella bacteria are transmitted by the fecal-oral route, directly through person-to-person contact including sexual contact, and indirectly through contaminated food, water, and other routes. Shigella bacteria are easily transmitted because of the low infectious dose (as few as 10–100 organisms), and outbreaks tend to occur among people in close-contact settings. However, as stated in the previous statement: CDC defines XDR Shigella bacteria as strains that are resistant to all commonly recommended empiric and alternative antibiotics. For further information you can go to 

Should you develop any of the following symptoms, please check in with you Primary Care Practitioner (PCP):
• Fever
• Bloody or prolonged diarrhea
• Severe stomach cramping or tenderness
• Dehydration
Preventative measures can be found at: 

On a happier infectious disease note, Linna Sherman, Director of the COA, will be hosting an “Unmasking Ball” on June 13th at the Senior Center (27 Francis Farm Rd.) It promises to be a really fun evening with dinner ($10 donation), music, a photo booth and smore’s by Fireman Randy, just to name a few. Watch out for the June addition of the Rehoboth Reporter for more information!

And lastly for this month, we will celebrate Cinco De Mayo on May 5th. This holiday tends to be, as many others do also, a reason to imbibe. As your nurse, I feel I should just caution you all on the concerns related to drinking and your health and drinking and driving. If you feel you have a problem with drinking, or indeed misuse of other recreational drugs, please go to our town website @  for more information on treatment and support.

I’ll sign off now. Please remember to be kind, be safe and be healthy!




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