July 27, 2024

Rehoboth Nurse’s Notes Happy Spring, and hope you are all well!


The following is a synopsis of infectious disease that I receive from the CDC when a concerning disease outbreak occurs. None of the reported diseases below are affecting Massachusetts, but if you are planning to visit any of the affected states, which are listed in this synopsis, be aware!

“As of April 18, 2024, a total of 125 measles cases were reported by 18 jurisdictions: Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York City, New York State, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington.

Among the 58 cases reported in 2024, 54 (93%) were linked to international travel. Most cases reported in 2024 have been among children aged 12 months and older who had not received measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine. Many countries, including travel destinations such as Austria, the Philippines, Romania, and the United Kingdom, are experiencing measles outbreaks. To prevent measles infection and reduce the risk of community transmission from importation, all U.S. residents traveling internationally, regardless of destination, should be current on their MMR vaccinations”

I’m sure you have seen the following in news media, but I want to provide you information and resources on the highly contagious Avian ‘flu or HPAI, H5N1 virus

Because we are in part an agricultural community, I think having accurate information and a resource will help us to make informed and evidence-based decisions regarding keeping our farm animals safe.

“Since late March 2024, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Drug Administration, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, state veterinary and public health officials and the National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN) laboratories have been investigating the emergence of the HPAI, H5N1 virus in dairy cows.

As of April 24, 2024, USDA has confirmed HPAI H5N1 clade virus detections on 33 dairy cattle premises in 8 states (Kansas, Idaho, Michigan, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, South Dakota, Texas). USDA has also confirmed - based on specific phylogenetic evidence and epidemiological information - that 8 poultry premises in 5 states (Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico and Texas) have also been infected with the same HPAI H5N1virus genotype detected in dairy cattle’

Next, I want to mention what is being discussed as the ‘new’ COVID vaccination. More accurately, what is being encouraged is that, if you received your most recent COVID vaccination in September 2023, you are now eligible for another COVID vaccination. It is our understanding that the trial for the combined vaccine (COVID and ‘flu in one) is on-going. There isn’t a hard date on its release at this time.

As I drive around in our community, I am noticing our recreational fishing people! Be careful for mosquitos. Peak fishing times are early morning and later in the day….prime mosquito biting times, so cover up and use an insect repellants. Please use the link below to make an informed decision on the product that is right for you. The link is to an EPA site:

As many of you know, States are receiving opioid abatement funds from the recent national settlement. I’d like to ask what our community feels would be a good use of the funds and to hear the voice of all those in our community affected by this national crisis. 1 in 4 people have been impacted by use of, or as a result of opioid use in one’s family or among one’s friends. I will be posting a survey on my web page the 2nd week of May. Please consider filling it out so that I may know what our community needs and wants to help with this crisis.

We continue to run our BP screening clinic every Monday at the Senior Center. It is also a time to chat with the Public Health Nurse about any health concerns you may have.

I am now offering the Caregiver Support Group on Wednesdays from 7:00p-7:45p, via Zoom. The link is posted weekly on the Public Health Nurse page within the Town of Rehoboth website. You may also e-mail me at ghamel@rehobothma.gov for the link.

The podiatrist will be here May 2nd, from 9a-12noon, and will be back on July 18th from 9a-12n Please call us at 508-962-4558 to book an appointment.

Lastly, don’t forget to check the Senior Center/COA activities noted in their newsletter near the back of the Rehoboth Reporter. Such healthy and fun activities and really great meals!!

Be well, all and be safe!


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