February 8, 2025

Troop 1846 Attleboro member Gabrielle LeBlanc recently became the first female Eagle Scout in Rehoboth, MA.


When Scouts BSA became co-ed in February of 2019, Ellie became a founding member of Attleboro’s first all-female Scout Troop. Many of her fellow Scouts were already in high school when they started their journey to Eagle, and despite facing a reduced time window to progress through the ranks, Ellie is now the fifth founding member of Troop 1846 to attain the rank of Eagle Scout.

Although she continued to be an active participant in the Girl Scout program, she was looking to take on more challenges. “I wanted to do all of the fun things that my younger brother was involved in with his Scout Troop.” She enjoys the Scouting experience because it gives her the “opportunity to learn life skills, and provides the ability to explore various subjects from Art to Whitewater and everything in-between.”

Becoming an Eagle Scout takes a significant amount of hard work and dedication. After advancing through six other ranks, a Scout must fulfill requirements that include: completing at least 21 merit badges (14 are specifically required), holding a position of responsibility within the troop, and finally planning, leading and managing a service project that benefits the community. Ellie has earned 27 merit badges, earned her Recruiter Strip, and served as a Troop Guide and Quartermaster. She was nominated by her troop to join Scouting’s National Honor Society, the Order of the Arrow.

For her Eagle Project, Ellie constructed and stained a custom built in storage shelving unit for All Saint’s Church in Attleboro, MA. She led a group of fellow Scouts and adults in completing this effort which greatly improves the storage capacity for the Church. “It was a fun and unique project” she noted, “I hope I have inspired younger members of our Troop to commit to earning their Eagle”. Ellie logged in over 200 hours of service in completing her project. She was awarded the rank of Eagle on May 14, 2024, at a formal ceremony held at the Superior Court House in Taunton, MA.

Ellie is currently a Junior at Dighton-Rehoboth High School. She is hoping to major in Environmental Science, or Television Production and she credits her time as a Scout for building her interest in these two fields.

Troop 1846 is always accepting new female members from 11-17 interested in “doing Scout Stuff”. To find out more, please visit their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Troop1846Attleboro/ 


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