September 20, 2024

Bridge Closure Impacts Seekonk Drivers & Beyond


The closure of the Washington Bridge on Interstate 195 westbound into Providence has resulted in traffic headaches for East Providence and Seekonk drivers.

The Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) deemed the bridge unsafe on Monday. The repair work will take three months to complete. Drivers are being encouraged to take alternate routes.

“We are monitoring the town to locate problem areas,” said Police Chief David Enos. “Once we identify problem areas, we will explore anything that will help. I can tell you that our major roadways will be impacted (Rts.114a, 152, and the Gristmill curve). I don't expect too much can be done in these areas due to increased volume of vehicles because of the bridge closure. We will be looking at secondary roads (being used as detours) for aggressive drivers.”  

Seekonk Public Schools Superintendent Rebecca Kidwell said the closure had impacted some staff members and families.

“The biggest impacts were on a few staff members caught in closures due to accidents on detour routes and on some student small group or individual transportation bringing students from outside of Seekonk to programs or buildings located in town,” Kidwell noted.

“We did anticipate that these challenges might occur.  All principals checked in with staff to ensure that classes were staffed and students were well supervised as the day began.”

“The Washington Bridge closure on Interstate 195 has undoubtedly caused inconvenience for commuters and residents alike,” Town Administrator Shawn Cadime said Tuesday. “The closure has led to an increased volume of traffic in our town, particularly impacting Seekonk as it is being used as an alternate route by motorists seeking to navigate around the closure. We understand the frustration and challenges that this situation has presented to our community, and we want to assure you that the Town of Seekonk is actively monitoring the traffic patterns resulting from this closure.”

“In collaboration with our Public Safety departments, we are closely working to address the significant impact of the heightened traffic flow within our town,” Cadime added. “The safety and well-being of our residents remain our top priority, and we are committed to implementing measures that will help alleviate the challenges posed by the increased traffic.”

The Rehoboth Ambulance Committee posted this statement on their Facebook page Tuesday afternoon: “Due to the closure of the westbound lanes of the Washington Bridge, we want to make the residents of the Town aware that Rehoboth Ambulance will not automatically transport patients to Hasbro, Rhode Island Hospital, Miriam Hospital, Roger Williams Medical Center or the Providence VA based solely upon patient request. We will only transport to these hospitals on a case by case basis as discussed with the patient and family at the time of the emergency. We will recommend alternate destinations based upon the patient’s Illness, injury and unique circumstances.”


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