February 8, 2025

Start Your Summer in the Great Outdoors! June 2024 Highlights from the Audubon Society of Rhode Island


(May 9, 2024) – Start your summer off right in the great outdoors! Come discover some of the amazing birds, bats, and insects that thrive in the Ocean State. Pick up a paintbrush at the new Maxwell Mays Art Studio or learn how to design a garden for wildlife. It’s a busy time at Audubon – come join the fun!

Unless noted, registration is required for all programs. Register online and view a complete listing of programs through the events calendar at www.asri.org/calendar

Audubon Spring Craft Fair
Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge, Smithfield, RI
June 1, 2024; 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Celebrate spring at the Audubon Craft Fair! With local vendors selling a variety of nature and wildlife related wares, you are sure to find that perfect gift for yourself or the ones you love. Jewelry, children's items, decorative accents, bird houses and other locally made treats are just a few items to choose from. Browse the tables and be sure to enter our raffle for a chance to win one of the hand-crafted items donated by our artisans.
Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge, 12 Sanderson Road, Smithfield, RI: Free. Ages: All.

Free Family Fun Day - Celebrating Pride Month
Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, Bristol, RI
June 1, 2024; 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
The Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium is open free to the public the first Saturday of every month. Join us for nature stories, animal discoveries, hikes and more. No need to register!
10:00 am - 3:00 pm: Craft Table
10:00 am: Nature Story
11:00 am and 2:30 pm: Animal Interview
1:00 pm: Pride Hike - Join Audubon naturalists for a guided discovery walk around the wildlife refuge in celebration of Pride Month. Look for insects, birds, and wildlife. Wear your pride colors or bring a pride flag to carry on the hike.
Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI; Free. Ages: All.

Audubon Wednesday Morning Bird Walks
Locations Across Rhode Island
June 5, 12, 19, 26, 2024; 9:00 – 11:00 am
Audubon offers small-group Wednesday Morning Bird Walks with naturalist Laura Carberry. Each week a new birding destination will be chosen. Advance registration is required. Location will be sent to registered participants in advance.
Locations determined weekly; Every Wednesday through June 2024; Fee: $5/member, $10/non-member. Ages: 14+. Register online through the events calendar at www.asri.org/calendar

Bats and Brownies Evening Walk
Audubon Caratunk Wildlife Refuge, Seekonk, MA
June 13, 2024; 8:00-9:30 pm
Join Audubon naturalists for a sweet snack and relaxing walk to learn all about the little brown bat, a species that lives seasonally on the Caratunk Wildlife Refuge. Enjoy a spring evening on the trails as we search for bats flying over the fields and pond. A wonderful program for families with children over the age of 10. Please dress for the weather, wear sturdy shoes/boots, bring bug spray and a flashlight.
Caratunk Wildlife Refuge, 301 Brown Avenue, Seekonk, MA; Fee: $12/member adult, $6/member child; $14/non-member adult, $7/non-member child. Ages: 10 and up. Register online through the events calendar at www.asri.org/calendar

Birding Prudence Island
Prudence Island, RI
June 13, 2024; 7:30 am – 3:00 pm
Prudence Island is a wonderful place to see dozens of bird species thanks to a wide diversity of habitats. The summer breeding season will be in full swing, so there should be a variety of songbirds and wading birds to keep us entertained. Birding during the breeding season is a great way to hone your identification skills, both by ear and sight. Come explore forest edges, marshes, meadows and anywhere else the birding looks good.
Narragansett Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Prudence Island, RI;Fee: $10/member, $12/non-member; Ages: Teen to Adult. For more information and to register for Prudence Island programs, visit the events calendar at www.asri.org/calendar
Build Your Own Water Garden
Audubon Fisherville Brook Wildlife Refuge, Exeter, RI
June 13, 2024; 6:30-8:00 pm
Have you always wanted your own pond? Why not add a water garden to your patio or front porch? Join this creative class and learn to build your own container pond that you can put just about anywhere! They are a great addition to any backyard ecosystem. You will be provided with a container, plants, and instructions on how to care for your water garden. Attract birds, frogs and more with this addition to your yard!
Fisherville Brook Wildlife Refuge, 99 Pardon Joslin Road, Exeter, RI; Fee: $75/member, $90/non-member. Ages: Teen to Adult. Register online through the events calendar at www.asri.org/calendar

Bats at Eppley
Audubon Marion Eppley Wildlife Refuge, West Kingston, RI
June 14, 2024; 7:30-9:30 pm
Join Audubon for a rare treat to visit the Marion Eppley Refuge at night. We will begin indoors for a presentation about bats and then venture outside in search of the plentiful resident bats on the refuge. Bring a flashlight, insect repellent, and dress for a cool night.
Marion Eppley Wildlife Refuge, Dugway Bridge Road, West Kingston, RI; June 14, 2024; 7:30-9:30 pm; Fee: $10/member; $14/non-member. Ages: 10 and up. Register online through the events calendar at www.asri.org/calendar

Glass Painting at the Maxwell Mays Art Studio
Audubon Maxwell Mays Wildlife Refuge, Coventry, RI
June 14, 2024; 4;30-6:00 pm
Come learn to paint a lovely wine glass with the image of a hummingbird and celebrate the beginning of summer! Follow step-by-step instructions to create your own hand painted glass. This is the first of a series of seasonal bird glasses to be introduced at the studio. No experience necessary, all materials provided (Limited to 8 participants). Meet in the parking lot.
Maxwell Mays Wildlife Refuge, 2082 Victory Highway, Coventry, RI; June 14; 2024; 4:30 -6:00 pm; Fee: $30/member, $40/non-member. Ages: Adult. Register online through the events calendar at www.asri.org/calendar

Sea Glass Jewelry Workshop
Two Dates Offered
Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, Bristol, RI
June 15, August 17, 2024; 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Come design and create a beautiful pendant with sea glass found on local beaches. Learn how to choose the right piece of glass and transform it using quick and easy wire wrapping techniques. Program includes all materials. Find something special on the beach? Bring that too! This class fills quickly so don’t wait! Advance registration is required as space is limited to 10 participants.
Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI; June 15, August 17, 2024; 1:00-2:30 pm; Fee: $25/member; $28/non-member. Ages: Adult. Register online through the events calendar at www.asri.org/calendar

Exploring the Nature of Coastal Rhode Island
Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, Bristol, RI
June 18, 2024; 6;30 – 8:30 pm
Popular naturalist, author, ecologist, and storyteller Michael Caduto leads an informative and entertaining nature walk along the trails of the Claire D. McIntosh Wildlife Refuge. Through storytelling, natural science, demonstration, discussion, and first-hand experience—participants will explore plants, animals (including birds), ecology, natural history, and folklore, as well as review wild edible and medicinal plants. This program looks at our interconnectedness with nature and the fascinating interrelationships to be discovered in the world around us.
Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI; June 18, 2024; 6:30-8:00 pm; Fee: $20/member; $25/non-member. Ages: 11 and up. Register online through the events calendar at www.asri.org/calendar

Bird Banding
Three Dates Offered
Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, Bristol, RI
June 22, July 27, August 24, 2024; 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Join Audubon and witness bird banding, where experts capture, band, measure, and release songbirds in order to record their movements. Birds will be gently removed from tall “mist nets” set in Audubon’s shrubby habitats. The techniques of identifying, measuring, weighing, and banding the birds will be demonstrated before they are released. The migratory habits and life history of each captured species will be discussed. Bring a camera and binoculars. Programs are limited to 15 participants, please register early.
Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI; Fee: $12/member adult, $6/member child; $14/non-member adult, $7/non-member child. Ages: 6 and up. Register online through the events calendar at www.asri.org/calendar

Purple Martins!
Audubon Caratunk Wildlife Refuge, Seekonk, MA
June 28, 2024; 6:30-8:00 pm
Enjoy an engaging presentation on Purple Martins and take a short walk to the field where the resident colony performs aerial acrobatics and snaps up flying insects. Other flying foragers like swallows and swifts are likely to be spotted as well. If we are lucky, bats and owls may make an appearance! Please dress for the weather and bring bug spray. Binoculars can be borrowed if you do not have a pair. Program will be postponed if there is rain or unusual cold.
Caratunk Wildlife Refuge, 301 Brown Avenue, Seekonk, MA; Fee: $10/member adult, $5/member child; $14/non-member adult, $7/non-member child. Ages: 12 and up. Register online through the events calendar at www.asri.org/calendar

Ice Cream and Lightning Bugs
Audubon Fisherville Brook Wildlife Refuge, Exeter, RI
June 28, 2024; 7:30-9:30 pm
Just as it starts to get dark, the lightning bugs appear! Come make a delicious ice cream sundae and discover what makes these insects so special. An Audubon naturalist will lead a hike to look for their flickering lights. If you are lucky, a resident beaver might be spotted along the way. Fun for the whole family! Please bring a flashlight.
Fisherville Brook Wildlife Refuge, 99 Pardon Joslin Road, Exeter, RI; Fee: $12 member adult/ $6 member child; $18 nonmember adult/ $9 nonmember child. Ages: 5 and up. Register online through the events calendar at www.asri.org/calendar

Help Wildlife Thrive: Common Wildlife Health Issues and How to Help!
Lecture by Wildlife Veterinarian Dr. Mo Beck
Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, Bristol, RI
June 29, 2024; 10:00 – 11:30 am
Come to Audubon and learn about common health issues facing local Rhode Island wildlife. Discuss issues such as environmental toxins, vehicle collisions, infectious diseases, window strikes, interactions with domestic animals, and more. As you learn about each of these issues, you will also discover ways to take action to help care for local wildlife and reduce negative human impacts on their health. This is an interactive program, and questions are encouraged!
Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI; Fee: $15/member adult, $10/member child, $18/non-member adult, $13/non-member child. Ages: Teen to Adult. Register online through the events calendar at www.asri.org/calendar

Designing a Wildlife Garden
Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, Bristol, RI
June 29, 2024; 1:00 – 2:30 pm
Join Audubon and learn how to make your space an inviting habitat for all wildlife: migrating songbirds, overwintering bumblebees, endangered butterflies, and more. Participants will leave with actionable steps and preliminary drafts of new and improved wildlife gardens for their home and community spaces.
Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI; Fee: $22/member; $25/non-member. Ages: Adult. Register online through the events calendar at www.asri.org/calendar


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