February 19, 2025

Congratulations to Gabrielle LeBlanc on earning the Girl Scout Gold Award—the highest achievement in Girl Scouting!


What is your project about?
I constructed 7 wooden bat houses that provide a safe habitat for my local bat species. These shelters will help give bats a safe place to live and hopefully allow them to increase their population. My houses were donated to the Wildlife Rehabilitators Association of Rhode Island and placed in trees in the woods. The houses were coated with weather-resistant stain to preserve them, and should provide many years of use to successive generations of bats.

Why was your project important to you?
This project was important to me because I have always enjoyed the field of Environmental Science. I have explored many facets of Natural Science in my badges, schoolwork, and independent study. I hope to continue studying this area of science in college, where I hope to major in Marine Biology. I knew that our local bat species were approaching critical population levels, and humans were experiencing increased amounts of pests. The negative balance of pests to bats, caused increased pesticide use which is harmful to the environment and humans alike. Moreover, these chemicals also killed many bees.

#BecauseofGirlScouts #gsGoldAward #maketheworldabetterplace #gssne Girl


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