February 15, 2025

June Kids Activities at East Providence Libraries


All Ages Summer Reading Challenge
June 1-August 24 at Weaver Library, Riverside Library, and Fuller Creative Learning Center
This summer, the East Providence Public Library challenges you—kids, teens, AND adults—to read and earn points to win prizes! You can also attend library programs to earn points, and this summer is absolutely packed with outdoor concerts, magic shows, animals, circus acts, video game tournaments, crafts, and more. Make sure to join us and read the summer away, starting with our Medieval Block Party in June and ending with our Space Block Party in August! For more information about the summer challenge, library programs, or anything library related, check out our website at www.eastprovidencelibrary.org  or give us a call at 401-434-2453.

Preschool Development Activities
Mondays, June 3 & 10, 10:30am at Fuller Creative Learning Center
Ages 3-5. Drop by on Monday mornings for themed learning activities. Children can explore a variety of centers such as sensory exploration, numbers, letters, fine motor, pretend play and more.

Design Your Own Flag
Monday, June 3, 3:45 pm at Weaver Library
All ages. Celebrate Pride by designing and painting your own flag!

3D Modeling w/ Makers Empire 3D
Tuesdays, June 4 & 11, 4pm at Fuller Creative Learning Center
Ages 7+. Register to work on 3D modeling using our Google Pixel tablets, Google Chromebooks, and an app called Makers Empire 3D.

Pride Family Storytime
Wednesday, June 5, 10am at Weaver Library
All ages. Join us as we read stories, sing songs, dance, and celebrate families of all kinds!

Pride Watercolor Art
Wednesday, June 5, 3:45pm at Fuller Creative Learning Center
Ages 9+. Using watercolor paints, kids will be able to make their own Pride watercolor art! Registration required.

Baby/Toddler Playgroup
Fridays, June 7 & 14, 9:30-11am at Riverside Branch Library
Ages 0-3, siblings welcome. Connect with other families while your child develops imagination and social/emotional skills at our informal baby and toddler playgroup!

VR Headset Demo
Wednesday, June 12, 3:45pm at Fuller Creative Learning Center
Ages 7+. Step into another world to play games and learn how VR headsets work!

Summer Kick-Off: Medieval Block Party
Monday, June 17, 4-7pm on Weaver Library Lawn
All ages. Enjoy a petting zoo, food trucks, DJ, belly dancers, juggler, kids activities, and more! Costumes encouraged.

ENERGY ROCKS! Kids Power Program with Michael Caduto
Tuesday, June 18, 2pm at Weaver Library
Ages 6-11. Explore renewable energy through science, storytelling, and music. Registration required.

Rainbow String
Thursday, June 20, 4pm at Riverside Branch Library
Ages 5+. Register to create a beautiful rainbow using yarn on a wood panel for Pride.

MaxMan: Be a Recycling Hero
Tuesday, June 25, 2pm on Weaver Library Lawn
All ages. Learn how to recycle from Rhode Island’s very own recycling hero, MaxMan!

Family Evening Storytime
Tuesdays starting June 25, 6:30pm on Weaver Library Lawn
Ages 2-6, siblings welcome. Join us for stories, songs, dancing, playing, and an activity or craft.

Through Me to You Puppetry
Wednesday, June 26, 10am at Weaver Library
Ages 0-5. Interactive puppets, stories, and singing, plus free play puppet time at the end!

Playful Engineers
Wednesday, June 26, 3pm at Fuller Creative Learning Center
Ages 8+. With our hands-on, STEM focused workshops, participants design, build, test, and play with chain reactions and creative contraptions, like Rube Goldberg Machines, paper constructions, domino towers, exploding popsicle-stick snakes, and other awesome engineering explorations! Registration required.

Baby/Toddler Storytime
Every Thursday, June 27-Aug 8, 10:30am at Crescent Park (Riverside Branch Library if inclement weather)
Ages 0-3, siblings welcome. Songs, stories, and playtime!

Glenn Costello Presents: Competitive Cup Stacking
Thursday, June 27, 2pm at Riverside Branch Library
Ages 8+. Learn the amazing sport of Cup Stacking. Registration required.
Dave Marchetti’s Animal Experiences - Two Shows
Saturday, June 29, 2pm and 3pm at Weaver Library
All ages
Come learn about and pet some animals! Each show is limited to 150 guests. Free tickets will be given out starting at 1pm.

June StoryWalkⓇ
All day, every day, all ages - on the lawn at Weaver Library
Our June picture book is A Family Is a Family Is a Family by Sara O'Leary. StoryWalk® is a self-guided reading adventure that is available everyday for all ages. Pages of a picture book are displayed in frames on a trail around the perimeter of the lawn at Weaver Library. The goal of the StoryWalk® is to increase children’s interest in books and reading while encouraging healthy outdoor activity for all ages, and reconnecting children and adults to nature.

For more information, please go to our Calendar of Events at https://www.eastprovidencelibrary.org


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