January 20, 2025

Seekonk's Water Superintendent Retires!


Superintendent Robert F. Bernardo became Superintendent of Seekonk Water District 17 years ago. He started work with us on May 2nd, 2005.

At that time the SWD had 9 employees, 99 miles of water mains, 4761 service connections, and a water distribution capacity of 2.8 million gallons per day.

Rob did his research and implemented the Master Engineering Plan Recommendations. He oversaw tremendous improvement changes to Seekonk’s water quality and distribution system which was created in 1946.
These include upgrading the system wide metering program from analog to digital which allows remote readings and quarterly billings which helps our financials.

He identified the need to upgrade the treatment plant’s water processing system by removing the original aluminum plates and replacing them with polyethylene sheets to reduce corrosion and improve water quality.

Rob worked diligently to ensure our well field stations always operated at optimum levels to provide adequate water supply to our customers. Well redevelopment is performed every year to provide maximum production levels. New wells to replace GP1 and GP 2 were commissioned and placed into service.

During his tenure the SWD received many consecutive “Outstanding Performance and Achievement Recognition Awards for Medium and Large Community Groundwater Systems” and “Outstanding Source Protection” Awards from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) .
Rob supervised the Route 6/ Fed EX water main installation on Fall River Avenue. This six (6) mile extension was privately paid for and cost the ratepayers nothing. It improves line pressure and Fire protection to the industrial zoned areas in Town. This project could save lives someday.

“Super Rob” leaves behind a District that’s grown to 117 miles of water mains, 4963 service connections, 3 storage tanks, 950 fire hydrants, 7 groundwater sources including 5 gravel packed wells and a staff of 10 employees.

A Retirement Party was held on June 24th, 2022, inside our garage. Family, friends, and colleagues were
There for lunch, cake, and plague ceremony. A Proclamation was presented from Representative Steven Howitt from the Massachusetts House of Representatives thanking him for his community service.

The SWD Commissioners unanimously decided Rob’s expertise was too valuable to lose and signed a consulting agreement with him for special projects. He’s an extraordinary man.
Just compare SWD with surrounding communities and you will understand why leadership matters !
We wish you the best life has to offer our Gratitude. Good Luck “Super Rob “!

We continue to encourage Water Conservation and request voluntarily compliance on the odd/even day water usage restrictions.


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