February 15, 2025

Select Board Appropriates $135,000 for Schools


The Seekonk Select Board appropriated an additional $135,000 in Chapter 70 funds for the School Department.

The 3 to 1 vote was held at the May 8 meeting. Chair Michelle Hines, Chris Zorra, and Michael Healy were in favor, with Pam Pozzi in opposition. Justin Sullivan was absent.

Town Administrator Shawn Cadime noted an amendment would need to be proposed at Monday’s town meeting for that request.

Cadime said the money would help reduce an additional layoff for this fiscal year for student services. Another possibility is to use the funds for a pre-paid special education tuition and for Hurley Middle School repairs.

The total budget is $32.7 million, a 3.1 percent increase compared to the current fiscal year’s budget. Superintendent Rebecca Kidwell noted 3.5 positions would be eliminated, including a part-time librarian at Hurley Middle School, two teachers at Seekonk High School, and one community coach in the Transitions Academy.

In addition, Kidwell said vacant positions including instructional aides at Hurley and the high school and one teacher at both schools and Aitken elementary, would not be filled.

“We can’t dictate where they put that money once it’s approved to them,” Healy said. “I don’t think taking all of it is the right message to send. I think the two boards have worked together. The Superintendent did a very good job with her budget presentation, the best one I’ve seen in a long time.”

“I like her,” Hines added. “I think she’s doing a great job for Seekonk and I think she’ll take the money and put it where it needs to go.”


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