June 14, 2024

Political Newcomer 'Spunk' Pimentel Seeks School Board Seat


By Bob Rodericks

Richard “Spunk” Pimentel has announced his candidacy for the Ward Three school committee seat currently being held by first term incumbent Ryan Tellier. Pimentel told the Reporter that he likes Tellier but doesn’t think Tellier will seek re-election. “Except for 8 years, I have lived my entire life in East Providence and I have been urged by many neighbors and others to get involved,” the 72 year old Pimentel said in a recent interview. Pimentel lives with his wife, Linda, on Dover Avenue in the city’s Kent Heights section. “My two children are grown and both graduated from East Providence High, one in 1997 and the other in 2000,” he said. “I graduated from East Providence in 1958 and our feelings for this city are strong,” said Pimentel.

Pimentel is retired and has worked as a school custodian for 10 years. “I started out as a custodian and became a high school supervisor and eventual supervisor of all schools. I know many of the issues. I was once in the union and then later on the management side. The system has changed, it has evolved and we must embrace the change for the good. I fully support the city’s effort to consolidate services and I like the current setup with one maintenance director for both city and schools. It’s working,” said Pimentel. He also said he would support other efforts at city consolidation. Pimentel also worked for the Coca-Cola company for 14 years and previously owned a popular small restaurant in the city. Although new to politics, he is known to many EP residents by his nickname, ‘Spunk’. “Yeah, everyone knows me as ‘Spunk’ or ‘Spunky’ but I tell people to remember to look on the ballot for my real name, Richard,” he laughs.

Pimentel said that he believes that the city has a “good chance to climb out of this financial mess” with the help of the state budget commission and a “better way of doing city business”. “Let’s finally get city and schools working as one. I will do all I can do to keep this school committee from ever returning to negative politics,” Pimentel said. “We need to keep our school buildings in better shape and listen more seriously when parents ask questions. I have attended civic meetings on my own through the years and I try to stay informed. Pimentel said that he recently approached the city Ward Three Democratic Committee and after a round of questions, he has accepted their endorsement. “Always have been a Democrat and I’ll look forward to their campaign help. One cannot run for office in a vacuum today. I have the time and the desire and I am willing to help out by seeking elective office,” continued Pimentel.


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