May 3, 2024

2019 Holiday Thank You from the Rehoboth Food Pantry


Friends and neighbors great and small, we are so very thankful for you all
Our schools continue to provide strong support to the Rehoboth Food pantry.

Palmer River gave us bags full of Thanksgiving dinner fixings, donations for turkeys and additional canned goods and produce as well monetary proceeds from the Bang the Drum event at Home Depot. DR Student Government turned their food drive into a competition and we were recipients of a tremendous amount of food! Thank you and the volunteers that delivered it were fantastic.

No offence but the Rehoboth Food Pantry was the winner of that competition!
Good friends once again donated turkeys from Willow Tree and enough bags of rolls and pies for all who came in. Huge thanks to Annie who attends turkey raffles with the sole purpose of providing the pantry with turkeys and hams.

Also, thanks to Jane Williams and her husband for their donation of jewelry items for our neighbors to use as gifts for others or for a gift for themselves.

Blanding Library made a giving tree with beautiful unique tags requesting non-food items. What a great idea! Once again, we received food donations from Attleboro Public Library’s Food for fines, thanks Connie!

We have been blessed with many food and monetary donations throughout the entire holiday season. Thankfully there are many volunteers that help with the task of sorting the food and marking each item ‘s expiration date. We appreciate the time you give helping out. It means more than you can imagine to know you are so willing to help. We are so thankful to be a part of this wonderful caring community. Whether you give time, food, or monetary donations, we treasure each and everyone of you!

Happy New Year to you all!


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