May 5, 2024

Rehoboth Land Trust Annual Meeting - Speakers E.O. Dyer and Betsey Dyer


Join us at the Carpenter Museum on March 5, 2018, at 7 PM if you're interested in land protection in Rehoboth and would enjoy meeting other like-minded residents.

The RLT’s work is supported through the volunteer efforts and generous donations of its members and friends. To date, we have conserved over 650 acres, provided public access to open space, and continued to work with property owners to preserve the landscape and conserve natural resources that benefit the community.

In December, the Rehoboth Land Trust received our largest gift of land, from longtime Rehoboth residents, Jean and E. Otis Dyer, Sr. and the late E.O. Dyer Jr. of Fairview Avenue. The 433 acres of Squannakonk Swamp, to be named the Roy Wheaton Horton Preserve, lies to the south of Route 44 and comprises many parcels acquired by the Dyers over many years. E. Otis Dyer Sr., land surveyor, and his daughter Betsey Dexter Dyer, Professor of Biology at Wheaton College, will share stories and answer questions about how this important assemblage of wetlands and uplands grew and became a protected refuge for wildlife and land for outdoor enthusiasts to explore. E.O. Dyer, 91, is also an historian and author with a unique perspective and knowledge of Rehoboth to share. His book, “Swamp Yankee,” describes Squannakonk Swamp in detail and tells the tale of how true Squannakonk Swamp Yankee Roy Wheaton Horton played an influential role in E.O. Dyer’s life. Books will be available to purchase or to order, or bring your own copy to be signed.


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