June 2, 2024

Rehoboth Selectmen Praise Highway Department


Rehoboth Selectman Lenny Mills complimented the work of the town’s highway and building departments Monday. Mills serves as a liaison to the departments.

Mills noted the highway department has done good work filling in potholes on local roads.

“I know we’re in excellent shape,” said Mills, who encouraged residents to contact the department if they see any problems on their streets.

Board of Selectmen Chair Skip Vadnais cautioned Mills: “Once (the potholes) are reported to you, we have a very short window to fix them.”

Vadnais also lauded the work of the highway department and the building department: “These departments are functioning beyond my dreams and this is the pride that you have instilled in them. There’s a camaraderie and an espirit de corps which did not exist before.”

“We have excellent superintendents and we have excellent employees that are really are trying to do the best they can for the town,” Mills added.


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