May 18, 2024

Snapshot on Learning

Palmer River Elementary School


PLAY IT AGAIN BILL - Grammy award winning artist Bill Harley graced Palmer River with his extraordinary talent this month. The children shrieked as he shared his epic tale of Dirty Joe the “sock stealing” pirate. Third grade students were able to work in small groups with Bill to learn all about his journey as an author. His talent never ceases to amaze us! We are hoping to invite Bill back for a ‘family night’ this Spring so that all of our Palmer River families might have an opportunity to join in the fun.

50th DAY – Students in some of our second grade classrooms, (Mrs. Carswell’s classroom shown left) were able  to ‘step back in time’ during their recent celebration of the 50th day of the school year.  Students dressed in theme and learned about some of the games and activities children of the 50’s enjoyed.  Poodle skirts were plentiful as students enjoyed the sounds of the 50’s for a sock hop, hula-hoop contest and enjoyed root beer floats.

KINDNESS ABOUNDS - Students in Mrs. Augusta and Mrs. Trott's first grade class and their fourth buddies in Ms. Gridley's fourth grade class created a month of kindness at Palmer River Elementary School!  Students brainstormed acts of kindness and chose one to highlight each day for the month of December.  The students collaborated to design elves for the office as well as posters to showcase their daily act of kindness.  Each morning the buddies read their Kindness Elf Initiative over the intercom during announcements (Shown below left is Mason sharing the daily initiative). These caring and generous students also wanted to warm up our community as part of our Kindness Elf Initiative.  Together, the two classrooms were able to donate 154 hats, mittens and gloves to our local Rehoboth Food Pantry to keep our families and friends warm this winter.


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