December 3, 2024

On November 21st, the Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club held their noontime luncheon meeting. We took pride in discussing our annual charitable donations to several organizations within the town. Also …

Our Annual Fall Bazaar, held on October 19th, was a wonderful success! Thank you to all the club members and friends who worked hard before, during and after the event, to all who came to our Bazaar, …

It was sooooo wonderful to have 26 new and regular members at our September meeting! Hopefully, you enjoyed the very tasty lunch, delightful Apple Crisp, and the Bag Auction as much as I did. Our …

Our 50th Anniversary Celebration was a wonderful tribute to the members and friends of the Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club! Below are the remarks on that occasion as given by the current President, …

Several of us had a delightful time at a new restaurant in Harmony RI. The food was enjoyable, and the servers were very hospitable. After the restaurant we ventured to our friend Dot's summer house …

The expansion of the Senior Center at 540 Arcade Avenue is now complete, according to Select Board Chair Michelle Hines. Hines, also a member of the Senior Center Building Committee, revealed …

The 23 women's luncheon group invaded The Hamilton Diner in Seekonk for our monthly lunch, The servers were very patient with us. The food was delicious and plenty of it! Everyone enjoyed themselves, …

The East Bay Foster Grandparent Program is actively recruiting community members 55 years of age or older to serve as volunteer Foster Grandparents in their communities. Foster Grandparents assist in …

The sun is shining! But it was dreary the day of our meeting, May 16th. In spite of that, there were 13 people at our meeting! We finalized plans for the 50th Anniversary Celebration, discussed more …

Thank you to Human Services' Director Brittney and her staff for their assistance in sponsoring the event. Also a thank you to the Friends of Friends' volunteer committee for funding the event again …

Everyone enjoyed their lunch at the Grist Mill in Seekonk. Our food was delicious and plenty of it! Their Cinnamon bread & Corn bread were to die for!! Our server Ryan was the most patient person …

On April 18th we held our Annual Meeting at the Arcade building at the Francis Farm Complex. The motion made, seconded, and was approved to re-elect the current slate of officers for another year. …

Everyone had a great time at Longhorns Steakhouse in Seekonk for their April luncheon. The food was great, the portions were enough for 2 meals, and our server was wonderful.

Join us for Bingo at Harborview Manor, 3663 Pawtucket Avenue Riverside, RI, every Wednesday night at 5:30. You will get free admission for every ten players and always free bingo paper. Call 401 …

Are you a member now? Has anyone in your family been a member in the past? Would you be willing to share your story, pictures of club events, dating as far back as 1973-74, with us? In May of 1973 …

The Wednesday luncheon group of 24 women enjoyed a great time at Benjamin's Restaurant in Seekonk! The food was delicious and there was plenty of it!! Our server Sue was an angel and a very patient …

The East Bay Foster Grandparent Program is actively recruiting community members 55 years of age or older to serve as Foster Grandparent volunteers in local elementary schools, Head Starts and …

On February 14th at the Valentine Party at the Seekonk Senior Center entertainment was provided by Mr. Steve Burke, a one-man RI musician who plays the keyboard, sax, & smooth jazz. Everyone who …

Our February 15th meeting was very productive, lunch was delicious, and many decisions were made regarding our 50th Anniversary Celebration on May 24, 2024. It will be held at the Rehoboth Senior …

Please join us to celebrate the 50 years of the Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club! Are you a member now? Has anyone in your family been a member in the past? Would you be willing to share your story, …

Well, the women’s Wednesday luncheon group tried a new place (Frankie’s in Plainville, MA). We were delighted with everything, enormous portions, reasonable prices, excellent service, …

The Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club meeting was held on January 18th in the Arcade Building at the Francis Farm campus. Our members were very thoughtful and creative with many ideas concerning our …

The East Bay Foster Grandparent Program is actively recruiting community members 55 years of age or older to serve as volunteer Foster Grandparents in their communities. Foster Grandparents assist in …

Seniors enjoying the new Arts & Crafts Program at the Seekonk Senior Center. The program is the first & third Fridays of the month from 9:30-11:30 am. The class is $5.00 for …

Happy New Year, everyone! Yes, the older we get the faster time seems to speed by us. The Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club (RSCC) enjoyed its Annual Christmas Party at Davenports on December …

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