February 19, 2025

Sunrise rings no bells. It bears a gift bouquet. Quietly revealing, Its faithful arrays. In bright colors. Or in thoughtful grays. Don Gardner Seekonk

To whom it may concern: I watched anxiously when construction began on the new rotary conduit to the Henderson Bridge connecting East Providence to Providence. As someone who has travelled …

Be wise before winter. It won't know your needs. Or listen to hungry birds Crying for seed. There might be a fox, Out seeking mice. Both finding out, Winter's not nice. Don Gardner Seekonk

Their arms Seem thin, With humble Bends. Adorned With nothing. Greyness blends. They've earned Their time To be still. Slumbering. On frozen field. Don Gardner Seekonk

Hello all! My name is Sadie LaSalle. My picture was featured here in a story a few weeks ago about the EP Lions Club and Botticelli's and their donations for Hurricane Helene relief (I'm the one in …

Do we Understand Our thanks? Given short, Or in great length? Given true, Or as to get? Knowing which Is counterfeit. Don Gardner Seekonk

Our Rhode Island constitution, Article 14 Section 2, states that every 10 years, voters must be asked, “Shall there be a convention to amend or revise the Constitution?” This Nov. 5, …

Crickets raid The silence Of the night. A cheering throng. Everything's alright . Soon frost Will take Their songs away. Soon frost will Make the Silence reign. Don Gardner Seekonk

With MetLinks open and the controversial location of the golf course maintenance facility likely to be approved soon, Marshall Properties is ready and eager to turn to approval of the next phase at …

A total of $6700 was raised during the East Providence Athletic Club’s 27th annual John J. Chalmers Charity Golf Tournament. The event, which was held at Triggs Memorial Golf Course in …

I've seen flowers. Hopefully You have too. Fragile to The touch. Powerful to view. Each flower's Dignity Uniquely stands. Granpa gave grandma Pansies, Then asked To hold her hand. Don Gardner Seekonk

A steady breeze In summer. Tree branches Moved about, To wave leaves Much bigger, Than when They were Just sprouts. There was A sense of pride. There was A sense of show. Just like In the fall, When …

To the Reporter: Keep Metacomet Green (KMG) congratulates developer Marshall Properties on the opening of MetLinks on June 25th. This beautifully re-designed public golf course incorporates many of …

“Hope” being our state motto, it’s very fitting that we never wanted to give up hope in finding a way to save Linn Health and Rehabilitation from closure. Thanks to Speaker Joseph …

The big man At the Small parade Said "This!" He pointed often And said "This!" He pointed To the Horse and wagon. He pointed To the Paper dragon. He pointed To the High school band, Police car And …

Several weeks ago, the Planning Board and the Waterfront Commission’s Design Review Committee (DRC) held meetings to consider Marshall Properties’ plans for the former Metacomet golf …

The City of East Providence, like many other municipalities, faces a dire need for affordable housing. Each day my administration is presented with instances of young adults, seniors, veterans, and …

Quiet realms Contain them. Untamed ones Need them too. Dancing like The gypsies. Nights with Moon in view. Hopes and dreams Are forming, Through every Tear and laugh. Worlds would Be desolate, …

We, the family of the late Robert McKenna, would like to thank everyone who came out in January for the 11th Annual Blood Drive held in his memory. In addition, we truly appreciate the support of the …

So many eyes Stare at the night. Sometimes stars Are in their sight. Sometimes darkness Is all that's shared. For night Tells us different stories, While we view Night's different glories. Thank you, …

Clouds marched high Above the trees, In bold and Silent stride. Tree branches moved Below the clouds And tried to catch My eye. I kept watch Of the clouds As they …

Some three and a half years ago, the founding mothers of Keep Metacomet Green came together with the mission of… keeping Metacomet green. Our group has grown from five to over 2,900 …

When I returned to Rumford after years of living away, I discovered there existed a series of concerts in Rehoboth Massachusetts, sponsored by Arts in the Village. Liking a smaller venue, I explored …

Seasons peek Around the corner And see The prior one Turn away. Each knows When it Is coming And when It cannot stay. They may Take a few steps Side by side. Before the one That is to leave, Turns …

Self-care is deeply personal. The self-care methods that work for your friends or your partner might not work for you – and sometimes, you have to look beyond popular self-care tips to find …

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