12th Annual EPLAC Recognition Awards
MC's for the night: Mary Nascimento and Heather Resendes, EPLAC Co-Chairs
Thank you to School Committee members, Admin, and Principals and DIrectors
Opening remarks from Superintendent Kathryn Crowley
Introduction of new Special Education DIrector, Leslie Anderson and her greeting.
Here a list of this year's Recipients, and their Nominators:
Educator and Support Staff Award Recipients
This award highlights An educator or support staff who has provided consistently outstanding services to advance the success of students with special needs by demonstrating teaching practices in the classroom which enable achievement and participation of students with special needs in one or more of the following areas:
● Peer helping strategies
● Social skills development
● Management of behavior
● Differentiated instruction, instruction accommodations & appropriate test modifications
● classroom organization
● training & support of staff which increases achievement of students with special needs
● Promoting parent involvement to enable achievement and participation of students with special needs.
1. Michael Kirkutis, PE Teacher Riverside Middle School
Nominated by Brian Petsch, Dean of RMS
2. Stacey Croteau, Teacher Kent Heights Elementary
Nominated by Danielle Cournoyer, Parent of KHS Student
3. Dawn Ottone, Paraprofessional Whiteknact Elementary
Nominated by Shana Walsh, Teacher at Whiteknact
4. Lynn MacDonald, Paraprofessional Martin Middle School
Nominated by Amy Moran, Teacher MMS
Program Award
● This award selects a school based program, demonstrating outstanding results in promoting success of students with special needs through the cooperative efforts of school administrators, regular education and special education staff.
5. Best Buddies, Whiteknact Elementary Chapter
Nominated by Amanda Batista, Teacher Whiteknact
Community Service Award
6. Ms. Jalyn Alves
Nominated by Christine Alves, Mother and Sharon Kochan, Parent of student
Presented by Karen Rebello, Principal MMS Pre-K
Announcement of Non Recipient Nominees
7. Tribute to Carla Midgley, Special Educator, Hennessey Elementary and Presentation of Carla Midgley Award
Presented by Amanda Fournier, EPLAC member and friend
Student Awards
Carla loved her students! The evening ended in our normal fashion by honoring the following students who have made an outstanding contribution to school objectives or programs in one or more of the following ways:
● Participating in school programs which increase peer acceptance and support individual differences.
● Providing direct assistance, friendship, and encouragement to students with special needs.
● Demonstrating leadership in student activities to promote a spirit of caring, belonging, and cooperation among the student body.
9. Ethan Amaral, Student Martin Middle School
Nominated by Jodi Audet, Teacher MMS
10. The EPHS Drumline:
Brandon Charette, Abigail Schwab, Kareem Sanni-Thomas, Lucien Fournier, Shawn D’Arezzo, Alyssa Janerelli, Alex Coia, Brian Brierly, Andrew Baptista, Jacob Mastrostefano, Eric Robinson,
Harry Hogan-Shaw. Students East Providence High School
Nominated by Ted Kochan, Parent
11. Quinn Britto, Student East Providence High School
Nominated by Donna Ferrara, Teacher EPHS
12. Dominique Avellar, Student Martin Middle School
Nominated by Amy Moran, Teacher MMS
Special thank you from EPLAC to:
Leslie Anderson for her collaboration With EPLAC and for her help in making this evening a special.
Superintendent Crowley
Representative Gregg Amore
Tony Ferreira
The EP School Committee
School PTA and PTO committees for their contributions.
The evening ended with a moment of silence for Carla Midgley
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