September 20, 2024

Assembly passes Sen. Ujifusa, Rep. Azzinaro bill to support National Guard veterans


State House – The General Assembly has passed a bill sponsored by Sen. Linda Ujifusa and Rep. Samuel A. Azzinaro that would explicitly give members of the United States National Guard the same tax benefits available to other qualifying military veterans.

“A Rhode Island National Guard veteran was told he did not qualify because did not have a DD-214 form that showed he had served 90-days on ‘active duty’ orders,” noted Senator Ujifusa (D-Dist. 11, Portsmouth, Bristol), who serves on the Senate Special Legislation and Veterans’ Affairs Committee. “Although there is a recently passed federal policy that recognizes National Guard veterans deserve a DD-214 and they get an essentially equivalent NGB-22 form, it was necessary to clarify Rhode Island law to ensure our National Guard members are able to secure the benefits they deserve for their service in training, operational support and contingency operations.”

The bill (2023-S 0710, 2023-H 5951) would allow National Guard veterans to qualify for the same property tax exemptions as active duty personnel, provided that veteran meets the service requirements outlined in the statute. That is an exemption of at least $1,000 from their property taxes, though some municipalities exempt higher amounts.

“The brave Rhode Islanders who served in our National Guard deserve to be recognized,” said Azzinaro (D-Dist. 37, Westerly), who serves as Chairman of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. “This bill is a small way to show our gratitude for their service to our country.”


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