May 4, 2024

The Future is Bright at Hennessey Elementary School


Hennessey students and staff returned to school ready to kick off 2022 with new learning goals! Last month we focused on goal setting, and we are eager to start the second half of the school year to reach those goals. Trinity, a kindergarten student, has a goal to do “all her math and letter work. This will help me in all my learning.” Way to go, Trinity! We are ready to set, plan and achieve our goals by persevering and having a growth mindset, our core value for the month of February. A 2nd grade student, Miles has a goal of inventing a roller coaster someday. When asked how he was going to do that, he said, “I am going to make a plan, get the parts, maybe start a business and design it early.” Then he is going to give a free ticket for all the Hennessey Heroes! That is Hennessey Hero Pride at its finest!!! #HennesseyHeroPride #GoalSetting

The Hennessey staff continues to focus on our core values teaching each month. In December, students and staff worked together on a school-wide service project called Ornaments for a Cause. The Hennessey Community raised over $200.00 to donate to The Tomorrow Fund with that school-wide project! #CoreValuesTeaching

We are so grateful for our Hennessey PTA! Shoutout to them for organizing a fun Bingo Night for all. There is always so much excitement when you can shout out BINGO! Also, we are super excited for the Family Reading Grant that we received this year! #OurPTARocks

Our Hennessey Heroes were excited to showcase their career aspirations for our January Career Spirit Day. We know that “we decide what our futures hold” and the future is certainly bright with all the Hennessey career choices that students shared. 2nd grader, Jayliana wants to be a police officer when she grows up and wants to “help the community out.” February Spirit Days will be Sports Day, Pink and/or Red Day and Decades Day. They are sure to be a hit! #HennesseyLovesASpiritDay

We continue to recognize the hard work, effort and dedication of our students, families, and staff each day. We know that if we continue to push ourselves to be our best, and show those core values of being SAFE, RESPECTFUL and PROUD, we will continue to RISE!!! #HennesseyRising


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