September 20, 2024

The scouts of Troop 55 have been very busy this spring.


Life Scout Michael Alves completed his Eagle Project and is on his way to achieving Scouting’s highest rank. His project was cleaning up Little Neck Cemetery plus building and installing two benches. Several members of the troop joined with Michael and other volunteers to complete the project over the course of a weekend. The project has special meaning to Michael. His father, Chris (who was an Eagle scout himself), passed away in 2019 and his family visits his grave at the cemetery often. Michael thought that the space could use some benches and a clean-up. He worked with city officials to get permission and guidance to do the work while respecting the sacred and historic space. Well done Michael!

Two scouts (Eliza White and Damian Sarkis) completed their Order of the Arrow(OA) Ordeal this past month. The OA is Scouting’s Honor society and the troops vote on who goes to the ordeal each year. The weekend includes service projects and personal challenges. Eliza is the first member of the girl’s troop to complete this honor. Well done Eliza and Damian!

Another camping adventure for both troops happened this past month at Camp Champlain. Scouts completed rank advancement requirements and had fun with archery and exploring the camp. A good time was had by all!

Finally, scouts earned recognition for rank advancements and Merit Badges at the Troop’s Court of Honor. Things are certainly getting back to being somewhat “normal” with weekly meetings returning to the lodge and plans for parades and Yawgoog summer camp in the works for the coming summer months!

Your son or daughter can join in the fun, too. For more information go to or come check us out at one of our weekly Monday night meetings held at the Mason Lodge (located @18 Turner Avenue, riverside) @6:30 PM. We hope to meet you soon!


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