February 13, 2025

St. Margaret School Hosts Annual Christmas Baby Shower to Support St. Gabriel’s Call Ministry


Rumford, RI — St. Margaret School recently held its annual Christmas Baby Shower for Mary, a community event designed to celebrate the upcoming birth of Jesus Christ and support women in need. The school community collected baby essentials, including clothing, diapers, and baby gear, to benefit St. Gabriel’s Call, a ministry under the Diocese of Providence’s Catholic Charities and Social Ministry.

The donated items will be provided to pregnant women and new mothers facing challenging circumstances, ensuring they receive the material, emotional, and spiritual support necessary for their children. St. Gabriel’s Call serves women who are in crisis pregnancies, offering assistance to those who are desperate and in need of help.

The annual Christmas Baby Shower is an expression of St. Margaret School’s commitment to living out Catholic values, particularly during the Advent season. The event encourages students and families to reflect on the spirit of Christmas, emphasizing love, generosity, and care for others.

The donations collected during this event will directly support the ongoing efforts of St. Gabriel’s Call to offer counseling, baby items, and referrals to other needed services for pregnant women in the Diocese of Providence.

This year’s Baby Shower continues the school’s tradition of engaging students in service projects that not only foster their understanding of the Catholic faith but also encourage them to make a tangible difference in the lives of others, particularly those in vulnerable situations.

For more information about St. Gabriel’s Call; visit www.dioceseofprovidence.org, call 401-278-2518, or email LCooley@dioceseofprovidence.org 


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