February 15, 2025

MacManus, Rizzo Win Seekonk School Seats


Alicia MacManus and Lisa Rizzo were the big winners in Tuesday’s annual town election, winning two open seats on the School Committee.

2,591 voters, representing 21.50 percent of the town’s 12,051 eligible voters, cast ballots.

MacManus garnered 1, 648 votes. Rizzo got 1,550 votes. The other candidates, Joshua Troiano and Luis Sousa, trailed with 907 votes and 483 votes respectively. Scott Thomas, who had withdrawn his candidacy, got 196 votes.

In the contest for two open seats on the Board of Selectmen, winners included Chris Zorra, re-elected to a third term, scoring 1,615 votes. Former Board Member Michael Healy, who had resigned last November, was also re-elected with 1,599 votes. David Viera, another former board member, placed third with 1,031 votes. “I’m glad people came out (to vote),” Healy said.

Kristen L’Heureux was elected to serve as Town Clerk, winning 843 votes. Christopher Rizzo finished second with 632 votes. Sandra Escaler won 488 votes and John Pozzi won 485. “I am humbled by the outpouring of support for my candidacy,” L’Heureux said in a statement. “I am also very grateful for the opportunity to continue to serve to residents of Seekonk.”

The debt exclusion ballot question was defeated with 1101 in favor and 1164 in opposition. The non-binding referendum was to approve a temporary tax increase to pay the town’s share of the new Tri-County Regional Vocational High School. Town officials had warned of cuts to services if the proposal was defeated.

George Ryder was elected to serve on the Water Commission. Ryder won 1,236 votes. His opponent Irene Frechette won 760 votes.

  • David Sullivan ran unopposed for a seat on the Planning Board.
  • Joyce Solomon ran unopposed for the Board of Assessors.
  • Cynthia Corbett and Sharon Connors ran unopposed for the Library Board of Trustees.


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