May 6, 2024

Seekonk Fire Museum Year in Review 2021



The association sent out thank you letters in response to our successful “meet Santa” at the Ann and hope plaza December 6th. Between 150 and 200 children visited with Santa and 30 letters were received in Santa’s mailbox.

It Was Mentioned That Our 100 Year Anniversary Will Be Celebrated on January 28, 2028.


Members of the association/museum did a cable 9 show with David Saad highlighting the museum and the history of the CVFA.


A Keith Mulligan memorial was set up in the museum. Keith was one of 8 men to organize the providence canteen which responds to fires and emergencies to serve food and drinks to the first responders. His family donated several items to the museum.


The museum was open on the first Saturday of the month honoring Gary McNally. Gary was a jack of all trades in town. He was a call firefighter, E.M.T., special police officer, dispatcher for police and fire, part time school bus driver, and captain foghorn, a duck boat driver in Boston. Over 40 people visited the museum and the McNally Memorial.

A new banner was placed on the side of the museum with information on when the museum would be open.

Members of the museum were issued new hats and sweatshirts.

The museum began to gather information on 6 members of the central volunteer fire association. Their names are on our memorial plaque in front of the flagpole. The 6 members went to fight in WW2 and died fighting for our freedom.


The museum opened the first Saturday of the month

Maintenance work and detailing was done on the maxim to get it ready for parades and shows in the coming year.

Yardwork began on our veteran’s memorial to prepare for Memorial Day.


The museum was opened the first Saturday of the month.

The maxim and its crew attended the Gaspee Day parade in Warwick, R.I. many spectators cheered on the maxim and crew.

Also in June, the museum played host to cub pack 5 from east providence. The scouts and their family members were treated to a tour of the museum and a question & answer period. After the tour, they enjoyed snacks and drinks put on by the museum staff.


The museum was opened the first Saturday of the month.

Yard work was done to prepare for our outing.

A membership board measuring 4x8 feet with over 380 men who joined the central volunteer fire association from 1928 was hung in the meeting room.


The museum was opened on the first Saturday of the month.

two families of the 6 that died in WW2 attended the museum opening. Also, one visitor, Edmund Korku age 93, with his family, was a member of the central volunteer fire association in 1945 and held many positions in the association and fire co #3. Edmund was given a museum shirt and hat.

The museum was invited to the Seekonk police “national night out” behind the safety complex. The maxim and crew were there. Kids had pictures taken in and on the maxim.


The museum was open for the last time this year. It was the last chance to view the Gary McNally memorial.

And in September the museum and maxim attended an “antique touch a truck” in buttonwoods park in Warwick.

Also, the museum held its annual outing behind the museum. 3 elderly past members attended with over 40 museum members and families were treated to a buffet. After there was a presentation put on in front of our memorial at the side of the museum. Attending the presentation was Senator Paul Feeley and congressman Steve Howitt. Senator Feeley presented citations to each of our 6 heroes who became known as the “central 6”. Also, congressman Howitt presented the association with a proclamation. Also attending was the town veteran’s agent Jim Laflamme who for the first time spoke of 2x4 foot banners, one for each veteran who dies in the line of duty from Seekonk. The banners would be flying from telephone poles in each direction from the veteran’s memorial.


The maxim and crew attended the Seekonk Fire Department open house and expo.

The museum and crew planned to attend a touch a truck at the Memorial Baptist Church, but the event was cancelled by the church.


Members of the museum attended the annual fundraising dinner being put on by the Rhode Island Antique Fire Apparatus Society, which we are a member.

The Maxim and Crew Attended the Veterans Day Rolling Parade Through Town with a Memorial Service after. two of our members, Edmund Korkuc Age 94 and Chuck Korkuc Age 92, Both Veterans Were Recognized and Thanked for Their Service. After, Members Enjoyed drinks and snacks back at the Museum.


The maxim delivered Santa and his elves to the Ann and Hope for another visit with Santa. This year the association collected food, gifts and cash donations.

The maxim, Santa and one elf made a surprise visit to the Mildred Aitken school. The event was planned by the PTA of Aitken.

The museum also took part in the veterans Christmas tree display at the veterans memorial next to the library.

Also, throughout the year much work was done on the maxim by its 3 mechanics,

Also, inside work done on the museum to make it more appealing


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