May 6, 2024

Tri-County RVTHS Takes Extraordinary Steps for Fresh Air

Tri-County will be the areas first school to complete installation of an upgraded HVAC System that includes UV lights in ducts


Tri-County Regional Vocational Technical High School's facilities department and HVAC Contractors have recently finished upgrading and replacing the school's central HVAC Systems, classroom and building VAV boxes, and unit heaters throughout the facility. New control valves and thermostats have been installed and tied into the new building control/management system to ensure the facility's equipment's proper operation.

This upgrade/replacement will improve building comfort by balancing the system and will address the building's indoor air quality (IAQ) and will help maximize the system's cubic feet per minute (CFM) output. The new energy management system allows the equipment to precisely control the flow of fresh air being brought into the building. The new units can bring in 100% outside air, which will enable us to dilute the indoor air with fresh air and dramatically increase overall IAQ. The new control system allows fresh air to be brought in hours before the building will be occupied for the day. Classrooms will see a minimum of six air exchanges per hour. The air will now be scrubbed by two filtration racks equipped with high-efficiency air filters (rated at MERV 13 and higher) with a total filter thickness of 14" instead of the single rack 4" filter equipped in the old system. Tri-County's Facilities Department will be able to control the exhaust fans in the building and enable them to remove more air from the building and maintain a constant air exchange throughout the facility.

The next step in the process is to install UV Commercial lights in the HVAC ducts. UV lights kill toxins in the handler, which include: mold, bacteria, and other germs.

"We are excited to put this technology in place to help mitigate the threat of airborne germs." says Harry Takesian, Director of Facilities Management

For more information Contact:
Harry Takesian, Director of Facilities Management
(508) 528-5400 x296


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