December 3, 2024

At Doorways, We Give Thanks


As we approach the annual day of Thanksgiving for all the blessings that we have been given, we at Doorways would like to take a moment to thank our supporters, in Seekonk and beyond, for their generous support of our mission to serve the less fortunate among our friends and neighbors. In the past year, 113 families visited the Doorways food pantry making over 2,500 shopping visits. Some households shopped weekly, others only once or twice, but every time one of those families made a visit, it eased the stress of soaring food prices and helped to maintain their wellbeing.

We are grateful for the innovative, anonymous donor who staged a yard sale and donated the substantial proceeds to Doorways. This donor suggests that “Doorways is open to fundraisers planning their own events and how effective they can be.” We are grateful for R&R Farms and the Curzake family who repeatedly shared the bounty of their harvest with our neighbors, week upon week. We are grateful for Boy Scout Troops 1 & 9, Cub Scout Troop 88, the Letter Carriers of the Seekonk Post Office, the students at our schools and the congregations at our churches for the many food drives that support our mission. We are grateful for the volunteers who staff our ministry. And finally, we are grateful for the hundreds of people who drop off food donations, or write a check, so that we can continue to fight food uncertainty in our community. May God bless you all.


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